
Welcome to my portfolio! Here, you'll find a collection of various projects that I've worked on over the years. As a passionate developer, I take pride in building and maintaining these projects all on my own. I've poured my heart and soul into these creations, and I'm excited to share them with you.

I hope that you'll find these projects as useful and enjoyable as I have. Each one is a product of my expertise and dedication, crafted with care and attention to detail. So take a look around, and feel free to explore what I have to offer. Who knows, you might just find the solution to a problem you didn't even know you had.

Pop Cat Bin

Pop Cat Bin was built to easily meme your recycle bin without having to manually do it. Check it out @

Window Hide

Window hide allows you to hide application windows like a Macintosh on Windows 11/10/7/Vista/XP! It's easy to use too! Check it out @


Shawdy serves as a powerful marketing tool. It serves as a medium between customers and their destination. Shawdy also has a Google Chrome exstension to make it simple to not only shorten links with Shawdy, but tinyurl, bitly, and - making it easy to Shawdy It! makes it simple to refresh the page you want to refresh. It's as simple as that! Included is a fancy straightforward user interface, custom refresh time interval and a real time countdown timer on toolbar and button selection. Check out the Google Chrome Extension!

Pictures of Cats

Just a collection of cats -

Can I Haz Privacy is a brilliant project, if I say so myself, for anyone who wants to ensure their safety while browsing the internet. With an exhaustive list of websites that contain spam, malware, and ads that are easily formatted for hosts file integration or even add to uBlock Orgin. You can learn more about that process here: A Bit About A Privacy Project.

This project is updated every Sunday with the help of a sophisticated algorithm that keeps it current and highly effective in safeguarding online experiences. It's an invaluable tool that has saved me a lot of time and effort, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to protect themselves while browsing the web.